Work with Me


Therapeutic Writing

Therapeutic writing is a method that allows individuals to channel, express, and rid themselves of negative emotions such as anger and emotional explosions, both in children and adults. Through therapeutic writing, individuals can experience a sense of ease, bliss, and inner calmness, ultimately giving you a feeling of control over the emotions.


Setting, planning and realization of goals step by step

For all those who want to better and more successfully organize their goals and shorten their path to success.

With the help of the Silk Mind method, you will permanently learn how to:


Reduction of ADHD and improvement of attention and concentration

For children and adults with attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or multiple disorders – bringing a reduction in symptoms and giving the individual a sense of peace.

The method is holistic, has yielded results in practice and contains:


Online consultations with Nataša Ilić lasting an hour

Consultations are possible in the following languages: Serbian, Greek, English and German.

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